Please keep Judy Olson in your prayers, and if you go, take her name to the temple. Thank you!
As for the rest of the week there was a ton of service which meant lessons this week were really low. I didn't mind its a different pace. It gets us out of I saw a really heart touching video the other day everyone needs to watch and share with others. Go to and then hit Mormon Messages and click, "My Brother Hyrum." I almost cried when watching this.
I prayed to the Lord the other day, thanking him that I am led by the spirit. I don't care if I am able to teach or baptized a single person out here. As long as I am able to be the instrument in the Lords hands to be led by the spirit and find those who are searching for the gospel.
Love Elder Ashcroft
Transfer's will be this Saturday. We thought it would be last week but looks like we get to hold out for a bit longer. Andy has been doing great and loving the work. He has reached the lonely stages of the mission and would love letters. As we enjoy knowing what is going on with him he cares what's going on with all of you. Thank you for all the prayers! We know he has been feeling all the love and support from home.