This week we did service at the Senior Citizen Home playing cards and also Bingo with them. Hunting season started on Saturday so a lot of people have been flying into the airport. In there multi-million dollar jets and airplanes. My companion loves airplanes so we have been able to help with gassing moving and parking airplanes as service for the airport. These people are flying in from all over the country to come here for the pheasant hunt! It has been pretty fun getting to learn more about airplanes and the behind the scenes of flying. I sure want to know what would cause someone to fly here from half way across the country in their own private jet for a pheasant hunt. It makes me want to see how it taste now to see what all the hype is about.
On Sunday we went to church in Rosebud. There were 25 people at church. This is the smallest branch I have served in! They have on record 300 members with 30 of those being active. I knew instantly that our job was going to be cleaning up the directory of members and activating those who are not active. We need to do this before the lord will bless us with others. The same goes for Winner. I am excited to see the work and transformation of these branches over the next 4 months!