On Tuesday, we decided that we were going to go tracting. After walking around a little I thought we should go to the north side of town because we haven't been over there very much. We went to go see an excommunicated member but as usual wasn't home so we kept walking down the street. When we turned the corner I saw an old man shoveling his sidewalk. I thought that it would be a great service opportunity but as we were getting closer he picked up his shovel and was heading back inside. I walked up to him and asked, "can we talk to you for a little bit?" We started with asking if he goes to church. Then asked, because it was snowing, "do you have a place that we could sit down and talk so we are not keeping you out in the cold!?" He let us in and then we taught Bob and Bernice Blair or Blaire the Plan of Salvation!
On Saturday, we went to the Seventh Day Adventist Church and on that night we went to Catholic Mass. Before church yesterday, Sunday, we also went to the Episcopal Church. It has been a really great experience and I'm glad that I have been able to go. Even if it is just these few churches that we did. I look forward to going to other churches as well!
On Sunday, in-between 1st and 3rd hour for some reason I started driving home. While we were home we made a progress record. We wanted to go over something new with the Branch Mission Leader (Bro. Margetts) before heading back to 3rd hour. I was waiting till the last minute for some reason. We got in the car and started heading to church. I looked to the right and saw a black college student walking towards the college. I asked my companion if we should go talk to him but didn't listen to Elder Raffenspargers response before I turned the car around parked it and got the backpacks out. I went and talked to him, next thing we knew he is in the back of our car and we are taking him to church!
After dinner and our meeting with the BML we went to go have our lesson with Brian Sanders (the college student that we took to church) he wasn't home so we started walking back. On the way we saw a guy in his mid-twenties, kind of rough looking, walking towards us so we asked him about church. Again, next thing we know we are in his apartment teaching him about different points of the church. Yesterday was an awesome day for missionary work!
This week I also had a missionary that used to be in my district call me, out of the blue, just to talk to me. That was really awesome to know that someone was thinking about me. Yesterday, the sister missionaries in Marshall gave me a call to ask about a LA member. That was also amazing to know that they were reaching out to me for help! This last week was a pretty good week for me.
Elder Ashcroft