Thursday, March 14, 2013

Marshall, Minnesota

MTC Experience

While i was at the MTC i had to role play as an investigator for the new district that came in, I had 3 sisters teaching me, they knocked on the door, and I let them in, they sat down and asked if they could pray, so far everything was normal role play, Sister Johnson said the prayer, as she started to pray I felt the spirit so strong and focused on her for the rest of the lesson.  At the time I didn't know why but now I do, later Sister Johnson told Joseph Smith's First Vision and she started to cry and as you all know I cry when I feel the spirit, after they ended I felt prompted to tell her what a good job she had done -  so I did, but she felt like it wasn't good enough so later I told her "I really connected with you, I cry when I feel the spirit also, you did an amazing job, whatever your doing keep it up and don't change it".  On sunday in District Meeting - 2 days later I find out that Sister Johnson was having a really hard time, and was feeling inadequte, the assurance came over me that I helped her, and made her MTC experience better than what it was, I was so excited that I reacted upon the promptings of the spirit, which took a lot of confidence that I don't have, and it was able to help someone I found out later that it made me literally smile for 3 hours straight.  Do not ever question 'is this just me or the spirit', just do it and it will work out.  I have been waiting my entire life to be able to react upon a prompting of the spirit, and the bonus is what happened from that.   As for the rest of what i was prompted to do regarding Sister Johnson I guess you will have to wait to hear it in 23 months.
Thank you again so much everyone for your prayers and temple service and fasting and whatever else you have done to help me, I realize that satan is trying to take a leader out of this mission and has found the way to do that, by making me extremely home sick and miss those that i love so much.  Elder Ashcroft